Reinforcing your blocks

  • Engineering
  • Talk
  • React
  • Jest
  • Storybook
  • Testing Library

A talk on UI component testing with Jest and Storybook.

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As web applications continue to evolve into complex systems, developers today build more and more user-interfaces with component-based frameworks like React and Vue. As a result, UI unit testing today is easier than it has ever been before, but where does one start testing?


In the talk, I cover the rationale for wanting to test UI components. I then dive into manually testing with Storybook and automatic testing with Jest and DOM Testing Library. I keep the concepts general to make them relevant to developers working with React, Vue, and Angular.


This talk is for experienced front-end developers. I have given this talk at LibertyJS (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), ChicagoJS (Chicago, Illinois), JavaScript & Friends (Columbus, Ohio), and globally within IBM.